US General hoists new Panamanian flag in the capital, the US having completed its conquest of Panama from Colombia (enabling it to build its long-desired Panama Canal): "The situation was resolved when the Dixie arrived, having been delayed by mechanical problems, which made fighting out of the question for the Colombians. With the release and return of General Tobar and an $8,000 bribe paid to Torres, the Colombian troops departed aboard a British Royal Mail steamer. On November 6, 1903, U.S. Major William Murray Black was handed a new Panamanian flag to hoist over the public square in Colón amid shouts of “Viva la República!” and “Vivan los Americanos!” That same day, the Roosevelt administration recognized the new Republic of Panama.[88]"
Nixon makes it clear to his cabinet that Salvador Allende, the fairly democratically-elected president of Chile, must be overthrown: " Document 3 CIA notes, "The Director's notes taken at 6 November 1970 NSC Meeting on Chile," 6 November 1970 Nov 6, 1970 Source Clinton Administration Chile Declassification Project In handwritten notes, CIA Director Richard Helms records President Nixon's commentary and instructions during the November 6, 1970, NSC meeting. On page 2 of the notes, Helms jots down a statement by Nixon that is not recorded in the official memorandum of conversation of the meeting: "If there [is] any way to unseat A [llende], better do it.""